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About Mr Glackin

My name is Anthony Glackin. I am a Consultant Urologist working at The Newry Clinic and Orthodrem private Medical Clinic. I have admitting rights for surgery at The Ulster Independent Clinic.  

I completed Urological Training in Birmingham in 2012. Since then I have been working as an NHS Consultant at the Southern Health & Social Care Trust.

I am a medical graduate of University College Dublin. I hold a Doctorate in Uro-Oncology from Queen's University Belfast. I am a Fellow of The Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland.

I live in County Armagh with my wife and teenage children. I enjoy golf, cycling and reading history and crime novels.

Please feel free to contact me at The Newry Clinic on 028 3025 7708 or email

Chart & Stethoscope

Mr Glackin provides assessment and diagnosis of bladder symptoms, prostate trouble, bladder,kidney,testis and prostate cancer.
At UIC he can provide day surgery for circucision, repair of hydroceole, vasectomy and cystoscopy (examination of the bladder with a flexible telescope). In patient services include surgery for enlarged prostate and kidney stones.

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